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API Reference

nfts/markets [beta]

πŸ–ΌοΈΒ Get the list of all supported NFT floor price, market cap, volume and market related data on CoinGecko

Parameter Values Remarks
filter result by asset platform (blockchain network) Valid values:
β—¦ ethereum
β—¦ avalanche
β—¦ polygon-pos
β—¦ arbitrum-one
β—¦ optimistic-ethereum
β—¦ klay-token You may get the asset platform id via asset_platforms (filter=nft) endpoint.

Please visit https://www.coingecko.com/en/nft to view latest available networks. | | order: sort results by field | Valid values: β—¦ h24_volume_native_asc β—¦ h24_volume_native_desc β—¦ h24_volume_usd_asc β—¦ h24_volume_usd_desc β—¦ market_cap_usd_asc β—¦ market_cap_usd_desc | Default order: market_cap_usd_desc | | per_page: total results per page | Valid values: 1..250 | Default value: 100 Max value is 250

You can only get up to 250 results per page. | | page: page through results | Valid values: any integer e.g. 1, 2, 10, … | Default value: 1 |

Example Request


Example Response


		"id": "archeworld_land",
		"contract_address": "0x56d23f924cd526e5590ed94193a892e913e38079",
		"asset_platform_id": "klay-token",
		"name": "ArcheWorld_Land",
		"image": {
		"small": "<https://assets.coingecko.com/nft_contracts/images/1688/small/archeworld_land.png?1663925175>"
		"description": "This is the official Land NFT of ArcheWorld.\\nThis verifies that the Land NFT owner can permanently own the land designated on seamless open-world of ArcheWorld.\\nOwners can participate in production activities directly by installing buildings in the game, or they can lease their land to others and collect rent with Blue Salt(BSLT) every month.\\nOwners may generate earnings by converting Blue Salt(BSLT) to BORA.",
		"native_currency": "klay-token",
		"floor_price": {
				"native_currency": 2105.79,
				"usd": 396.33
		"market_cap": {
				"native_currency": 4358977,
				"usd": 820409
		"volume_24h": {
				"native_currency": 74533,
				"usd": 14028.03
		"floor_price_in_usd_24h_percentage_change": -5.24342,
		"number_of_unique_addresses": 694,
		"number_of_unique_addresses_24h_percentage_change": -0.57307,
		"total_supply": 2070
	} ...

Example Request (with parameters)
